Help for Bell Labs/Alcatel-Lucent ALTO Interop-93 Online Test Client.

Thanks for using our on-line ALTO Interop-93 Test Client for the tests defined in version 01 of draft-roome-alto-interop-ietf93. Here is guide to the output. But first, remember this tool is our implementation of our interpretation of the ALTO protocol specification. Either may be faulty!

The client first reports the test that passed, with one line per test. The line gives the test number, the resource type, and the test id string, as in

     MainTest[000] PASSED IRD ird:get
     MainTest[001] PASSED NM def-nm:get
     MainTest[002] PASSED NM alt-nm:get
     MainTest[003] PASSED FNM def-nm:empty@empty
     MainTest[004] PASSED FNM def-nm:empty@ipv6
The test id strings (ird:get, def-nm:get, def-nm:empty@empty, etc) coorespond to the test id strings in the interop-93 test report template. However, the client does NOT run the tests in the same order, so the client's test numbers ([001], [002], etc) do NOT correspond to the template's test numbers.

Next the client reports the tests that failed, with a similar one-line summary, followed by a description of the problems detected. Next the client reports the results of the error tests: a one-line summary for each test, with a detailed description of the problems for any error tests that fail. The client then gives a summary of the resources in the server's IRD, including the number of calls, the number of errors in that resource, and the average response time. Finally for each failed test, the client gives the JSON message request sent, the expected result, and the actual result. Note that the client reformats the JOSN messages for readability; it does not display the exact bytes sent or received. To avoid excessive output, the client only reports those details for the first N failed tests. The client assigns an id number to each test, as in "[012]". These ids let you match the input/output details with the one-line test summaries.

The checkboxes below the server URI allow you to run a subset of the tests. This can speed up the test, and allow you to focus in on a specific problem.

To see an example, try the test client on our interop-93 ALTO server:

WARTS: The client runs all tests before printing any results. Be patient. If the full test suite times out, use the checkboxes to run a subset of the tests. However, it is a good idea to always select the Full Network Map tests, because these allow the client to verify the network map tags in cost map endpoint property tests.

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